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What's happening?


A more interactive learning experience

Virtual reality, Augmented Reality and Makerspace in the classroom are redefining how students' learning experience, becoming more interactive and personal.

Mobile learning, or "learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices," also allows students from different locations to attend classes remotely via virtual classrooms.

This poses a challenge to the traditional bricks and mortar educational approach and is driving institutions to innovate to thrive.


The Future of Adaptive Learning

Big data and intelligence to drive personalized education for students.

Courses are tailored according to the personal needs and requirements of each student.

This is supported by BYOD, where gadgets formerly considered as "distractions" are now considered "learning supplements."


Data Security and Sovereignty

As more personal student information is stored online, data security and protection become imperative.

As Asia becomes a global hotspot for technology startups, IT education becomes integral.

Infrastructure Challenges

Infrastructure Challenges

Vertiv Core to Edge Solutions

Vertiv offers critical infrastructure technologies and rapidly-deployable customized solutions to meet specific business requirements and needs

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