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Modèle Produit

Cybex SCKM140 Secure Desktop KM

​The Cybex SCKM140 secure desktop KM is designed to meet the stringent specifications of the U.S. government and certified to the NIAP / Common Criteria protection profile for peripheral sharing switches version 3.0.

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S’Identifier Pour Sauvegarder Ultérieurement
Adapté aux applications suivantes:
  • Banking Financial and Insurance
  • Government
Garantie: Three-Year Warranty


Outstanding Security: Designed to meet the specifications of NIAP Protection Profile for Peripheral Switching Devices, version 3.0
Enhanced Usability: Cursor Navigation Switching allows the user to switch control between systems by simply moving the cursor from one display to another
Access:  Access up to four computers or networks using a single keyboard and mouse
Zero Delay Switching:  Mouse and keyboard switching via emulation assures zero delay in switching time between connected sources
Independent USB Switching: Easily switch USB (SCKM 145 only) peripherals independently of keyboard and mouse


Cursor navigation switching lets users switch control between systems by simply moving the mouse cursor from one display monitor to another. Both audio and keyboard follow the cursor from one computer to the next.
Instant mouse and keyboard switching via emulation assures zero delay when switching between systems.
Independent audio and USB switching gives users the ability to freeze audio and USB devices to a specific channel so these feeds are maintained as the cursor switches between system monitors.
Managed copy and paste allows content to be copied from one system to another. Copy and paste can be managed with built-in controls to specify what can be copied, such as allowing a user to copy numbers only in a specific format.
High-speed mobile device charging port provides a quick way to charge mobile phones and other devices.
Pre-set display configurations are easily modified for specific environments with a user-friendly administrator tool, enabling flexible assignment of USB devices for each user.​​

* Pour accéder aux téléchargements de modèles spécifiques, rendez-vous sur la page du produit en question en sélectionnant le nom de modèle dans le tableau de spécification plus haut.

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