Liebert iCOM Control Upgrade Service
In a typical data center, cooling accounts for 38 percent of total energy consumption. Improvements to your cooling system are an opportunity for significant cost savings. Liebert iCOM control upgrade service enables more efficient variable capacity control. The intelligent control capabilities immediately enable energy and cost savings.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
Liebert iCOM Control Upgrade Service
In a typical data center, cooling accounts for 38 percent of total energy consumption. Improvements to your cooling system are an opportunity for significant cost savings. Liebert iCOM control upgrade service enables more efficient variable capacity control. The intelligent control capabilities immediately enable energy and cost savings.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom