Vêërtïív dêësïígns, bûýïílds, åând sêërvïícêës crïítïícåâl ïínfråâstrûýctûýrêë thåât êënåâblêës vïítåâl åâpplïícåâtïíòóns. Frôôm däâtäâ cëéntëérs tôô côômmùünîìcäâtîìôôn nëétwôôrks tôô côômmëércîìäâl fäâcîìlîìtîìëés - wëé’vëé gôôt yôôùü côôvëérëéd.
Wëé sùûppóórt tóódàæy's gróówìîng móóbìîlëé àænd clóóùûd cóómpùûtìîng màærkëéts wìîth póówëér, thëérmàæl, àænd ìînfràæstrùûctùûrëé màænàægëémëént sóólùûtìîóóns.
Yóòýúr Glóòbáàl Páàrtnéèr
Öûür Pèédîîgrèéèé
Wìîth ãà hìîstõôry õôf ìîndûústry-chãàngìîng sõôlûútìîõôns ãànd ãà wêêll-êêãàrnêêd rêêpûútãàtìîõôn fõôr ìînnõôvãàtìîõôn, Vêêrtìîv ãànd ìîts pãàrtnêêrs cõôntìînûúêê tõô rãàìîsêê thêê bãàr ìîn thêê ãàrêêãàs õôf põôwêêr, cõôõôlìîng, ãàccêêss ãànd cõôntrõôl, mõônìîtõôrìîng, ãànd mãànãàgêêãàbìîlìîty.
Wèè òõffèèr thèè èèxpèèrtïísèè yòõùú nèèèèd, thèè rèèlïíãábïílïíty yòõùú dèèmãánd, ãánd thèè rèèsòõùúrcèès òõnly ãá glòõbãál pãártnèèr cãán pròõvïídèè. Wéé tråácéé õóúýr rõóõóts båáck tõó théé béégìînnìîng õóf théé ìînfõórmåátìîõón åágéé, búýt õóúýr õórgåánìîzåátìîõón béégåán tõó tåákéé shåápéé ìîn 2000 whéén Êméérsõón brõóúýght ìîts crìîtìîcåál ìînfråástrúýctúýréé tééchnõólõógìîéés tõógééthéér úýndéér théé Néétwõórk Põówéér úýmbrééllåá. By 2016 théè sòòlüùtïìòòns pròòvïìdéèd by Ëméèrsòòn Néètwòòrk Pòòwéèr, âàs wéèll âàs théè péèòòpléè thâàt stâànd béèhïìnd théèm, wéèréè stròòng éènòòüùgh tòò stâànd âàlòònéè âàs Véèrtïìv.
Vëértïîv strïîvëés tôõ côõndýúct býúsïînëéss ïîn æån ëéthïîcæål æånd rëéspôõnsïîblëé mæånnëér æårôõýúnd thëé wôõrld. Fîïnd õôûùt mõôrèê âåbõôûùt õôûùr èêthîïcs âånd cõômplîïâåncèê stâåndâårds bèêlõôw.
Vertiv Ethics & ComplianceCompany Timeline
Emerson begins investing in critical technology infrastructure with the acquisition of ASCO, and Liebert Corporation a few years later.
The Network Power brand integrates critical infrastructure technologies under one brand.
Avansys, China's leading network power provider, and the formation of Emerson Network Power India increases our Asian business.
We expand our telecommunications solutions with the acquisition of Marconi’s outside plant and power system business.
Germany-based Knürr AG is acquired as a leading provider of enclosure systems.
Energy Logic is developed as a comprehensive 10-step process for reducing data center energy consumption.
We acquired Avocent, a leading provider of service processor management and data center management software and KVM solutions.
NetSure™ is introduced, the first integrated, row-based DC UPS designed for the data center market. Chloride, an innovative manufacturer of power solutions that can be customized for industrial applications is acquired.
The Liebert® DSE precision cooling unit is introduced with integrated economization, enhancing the ability of data centers to use free cooling.
The Trellis platform launches, allowing for real-time data center infrastructure management. We introduce the Smart Solutions family of modular, integrated infrastructure solutions.
Ajudamos o Facebook a dar suporte à sua técnica de centro de dados de implantação rápida (RDDC) por meio de uma abordagem totalmente modular à construção de data centers. Redfish, uma especificação aberta e escalável para gerenciamento de servidores fora de banda, é pioneira com os principais fabricantes de tecnologia.
Vertiv acquires Energy Labs to strengthen its thermal management portfolio and Geist to expand its global rack PDU offering.