Cybex SCKM140 Secure Desktop KM
The Cybex SCKM140 secure desktop KM is designed to meet the stringent specifications of the U.S. government and certified to the NIAP / Common Criteria protection profile for peripheral sharing switches version 3.0.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Government
Cybex SCKM140 Secure Desktop KM
The Cybex SCKM140 secure desktop KM is designed to meet the stringent specifications of the U.S. government and certified to the NIAP / Common Criteria protection profile for peripheral sharing switches version 3.0.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Government
*Modele özgü indirilebilir içerikleri görmek için yukarıdaki teknik özellikler grafiğinde model adını seçerek modele özgü ürün sayfasına gitmeniz gerekir.