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NERC Compliance Services

Achieving compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) requirements takes knowledge of ever-changing and complex regulations. These regulations require utilities and similar facilities to implement an ongoing, systematic program to test, maintain, and document the performance of protection scheme devices that impact the Bulk Electric System (BES).



Improved regulatory compliance is achieved through accurate assessments and ongoing supplemental engineering and compliance support
Enhanced worker safety results from establishing compliant work practices and building a compliance culture 
Optimized infrastructure performance occurs as systems are tested and maintained and protection schemes are improved 
Improved system and grid protection is achieved by verifying the performance of protection devices 


Compliance assessment determines your facility’s current level of compliance and includes recommendations for improvements
Program development by compliance engineers helps you create an ongoing and systematic process for achieving and maintaining compliance
Program implementation includes execution of activities that provide ongoing compliance support
Audit support services include a compliance check, gap analysis, and third-party validated documentation



显示联系人 Ohio, 43215, USA 更换地点
[QA] Test Office Name One
Test Office Location One Texas 75001 USA
服务重点领域: 项目服务, 性能优化服务, 培训
[QA] Test Office Name One corina test support
Test Office Location One Texas 75001 USA
服务重点领域: 项目服务, 性能优化服务, 培训
Abacus Test Office
Abacus Test Office Address Louisiana 70033 USA
服务重点领域: 项目服务, 性能优化服务, 培训, 应急响应, 预防性的维护, 工业应用预防性维保, 远程服务, 备件及零配件管理, Generators & Switchgear Services
