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Short Circuit and Coordination Studies

Every time you expand, reconfigure, add a load, or upgrade your electrical distribution system, you challenge its reliability. Short circuit and coordination studies help manage these complexities by ensuring protective devices are properly set and coordinated to quickly isolate a failure. These studies give you a better understanding of current electrical distribution system operation, along with information you need to improve protection for equipment, personnel, and your business as a whole.

  • Banking Financial and Insurance
  • Data CenterColocationHosting
  • Healthcare
  • Retail and Wholesale


Minimized nuisance tripping and downtime happens as you better understand protective device coordination and adjust settings as needed
Fewer service interruptions occur due to overload and short-circuit conditions
Quicker isolation of faulty circuits eliminates loss of power to other parts of the system
Improved protection for your equipment, people and facility is achieved by implementing recommendations resulting from these studies 


Data collection based on your existing single-line diagram or an analysis of your electrical distribution system provides critical information about current protective device types, ampere ratings, and settings
Power system analysis using state-of-the-art software helps Vertiv engineers determine optimum settings for your protective devices
Report of findings includes critical information you need to protect your electrical distribution system, including suggested settings for all adjustable devices and time-current curves 
Updated single-line diagram, based on the study, supports future engineering services and performance optimization



显示联系人 Ohio, 43215, USA 更换地点
[QA] Test Office Name One
Test Office Location One Texas 75001 USA
服务重点领域: 项目服务, 性能优化服务, 培训
[QA] Test Office Name One corina test support
Test Office Location One Texas 75001 USA
服务重点领域: 项目服务, 性能优化服务, 培训
Abacus Test Office
Abacus Test Office Address Louisiana 70033 USA
服务重点领域: 项目服务, 性能优化服务, 培训, 应急响应, 预防性的维护, 工业应用预防性维保, 远程服务, 备件及零配件管理, Generators & Switchgear Services
